The Monash Trophy is WCA’s premier tournament of the year, open to all Archery Australia members. Archers come from all over Victoria to shoot in this long-running popular event. The event is part of Archery Victoria’s annual Target Grand Prix competition and is typically held on the second Sunday in November.

Various rounds, including the WA 70/1440, Sydney, Double Canberra and Adelaide have been used over the past 20 years with a limit of 60 archers. More recently, the event has been run as a WA 60/900 or age-equivalent Canberra round with archers shooting either a morning or afternoon round, depending on their category, thus allowing 90+ archers to shoot the event.
In addition to the normal tournament category medals, archers who shoot the highest WA 60/900 score of the day in the Female Compound, Male Compound, Female Recurve and Male Recurve divisions have their name inscribed on perpetual shields permanently on display in the WCA clubrooms.
WCA 2019 Monash Trophy
WCA 2015 Monash Trophy
The Monash Trophy shields on display in the WCA clubrooms.
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