In 2017, then Club Recorder Steve Nadudvary instigated the creation of a WCA Grand Prix event held specifically for WCA members. This event is comprised of ten rounds run each month between February and November. Monthly rounds vary with the monthly winner awarded an engraved medal and all archers allocated points based on their handicap placing for each event.
WCA Grand Prix (Handicap) trophies are presented to the first, second and third placed archers at the annual WCA Christmas Dinner held in December. Archers only need to have competed in six of the ten rounds, with placings based on the aggregate of an archers’ points from their best six results.
At the end of the year, WCA Grand Prix (Scratch) trophies are awarded to the top three placegetters in the Compound and Recurve Divisions based on points received from off-the-bow scores in each monthly medal round. The eligibility criteria are the same as for the WCA GP handicap component of this event.
At the end of the year, the names of the first-placed archers based on Handicap and Scratch scores for Compound and Recurve divisions are added to the WCA Grand Prix shield displayed in the WCA clubrooms.

The WCA Grand Prix shield on display in the WCA clubrooms.
© 2023 Waverley City Archers Inc.